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Creates a safer, healthier and more convenient tomorrow

Main facilities


Calorimeter (calorimeter) laboratory specifications and views

  • Highlights
  • Test room composition : 1 indoor room / 1 outdoor room
  • Temperature : Indoor 10 ~ 50℃ / Outdoor 0 ~ 60℃
  • Rated capacity : air side 24kW / refrigerant side 24kW
  • Measured flow rate : Antifreeze 5 ~ 100㎥/min / Refrigerant 700kgh
  • Refrigerant measurement : calculation of inlet and outlet refrigerant pressure, inlet and outlet temperature, refrigerant flow rate, superheat and subcooling degree
실험실 전경

3D measuring machine

  • Highlights
  • Equipment size : 2780*4620*4000
  • Measuring area : 1500*3000*1000
  • Maximum tolerance : 3.9+Lµm/300
  • Maximum feed speed : 350mm/s
  • Maximum allowable load : 2500kg
  • Equipment weight : 9000kg